My oldest daughter was sitting next to me on the love seat and said, "I like to think that we wouldn't be nearly so weird if you hadn't married daddy." I said , "Thank you!" To me that was a complement, and funny thing is she meant it as one. Shes weird.
Jen is weird as well (see last post), but I still see room for growth.
We will be going out to Colorado in about 15 days or so, but we still need to get someone to come and feed/water/litterbox/play with the cats for us, and someone to take the birds in. But other than that were ready. Well, the car is rented/reserved, and the girls have made a list of snacks for me to you know the important things are done.
I think I will start training tomorrow for the bladder hold. You know...we only get to "go" if we have to get fuel. I told the girls that I will take a sharp stick to poke Pete in the leg when we need to stop. I don't have anything else to say, but felt I needed to post something.
Alright, bye.