Friday, August 8, 2008


Some of us are big Star Trek fans in my family. The bad guys in the new Star Trek would come and turn you into a Borg. An organic/machine thingy. Really smart, but lived all connected to the whole. Couldn't make any individual choices. Sometimes when I look at the people around me I feel like the Borg have really made it to Earth. All of the teen-bops are all alike (but really they are unique-right!), and all the 20-somethings are alike, and so on. I say if you want to wear that dress that fell out of 1986, well, go on and wear it! If you feel the need to use baby blue eye shadow... go for it! Polyester jacket? Why not. Socks with sandals! Sure! Be who you are, and not who the world tells you to be. You will be happier AND you will save a lot of money on clothes.


Robin said...

I'm with you Julie...just be you!

Momstheword said...

That's my girl! You have always marched to a different drummer and why stop now? Pink socks with your red dress....

Paula said...

I'm afraid being in style isn't one of my main considerations. I wear what I have. I do stop wearing an item once in awhile if it's really out.

It's the "different" people who make life interesting.